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RoleMapper launches FlexApply

RoleMapper Team
April 12, 2022

RoleMapper has launched FlexApply, a first-of-its-kind platform that helps organisations automate and manage flexible working requests and applications.

 With many organisations still figuring out how they are going to make flex a success in the long-term, as well as the type of flex to offer, FlexApply removes that pain by ensuring a fairer and more business-driven approach that works for both employee and business.


Key features of FlexApply include: 

·      AI-powered algorithms that provide bias-free flex assessments for every role 

·      Flexible working outcomes that work for the team and the business  

·      Dashboards providing visibility of all applications across roles and teams  

·      Workflows and reporting to ensure compliance and legislation  

·      Ability to customise to policies and work modes 


Sara Hill, Founder and CEO, RoleMapper says: “Since the pandemic, there has been a seismic shift in how people want to engage with work.  To attract and retain talent employers are having to be more open to increased flexible working - the days of traditional office-based 9-5 working is a thing of the past.


The challenge for many organisations is that the process of requesting and managing flexible working is manual, inconsistent and fraughtwith bias. FlexApply helps organisations automate the process of managing flexible working application requests, ensuring a consistent, visible and biasfree approach, focusing on the right flex that works for a particular organisation.”


FlexApply offers comprehensive reporting tools for HR and leadership teams. It also gives organisations the ability to analyse by team or department, as well as take a more strategic approach with reporting views across the enterprise.


FlexApply is part of a suite of solutions from RoleMapper: RoleFlex, FlexAssess, RoleShare,  all supporting the design, automation, application and large-scale roll-out of flexible working.

The building blocks of your workforce strategy.

Role Mapper Technologies Ltd
Kings Wharf, Exeter
United Kingdom

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